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Cutting Your Skein of Yarn into Dozens of Perfect-Length Strands for Weaving
July 31, 2024
For many months I've been cutting my skeins of yarn while in its loop form for making dozens of perfect-length strands for weaving on my...
Knit City 2023 recap
September 26, 2023
Student work from my Intro to Tapestry: Weave a Sunset workshop Knit City was a whirlwind, but isn't it always?! My weekend began on Saturday...
How to Sew Slits in Tapestry
September 18, 2023
Slits are holes which appear in tapestries as a result of building shapes, and can either be sewn up, or left as a design...
Are your woven 'edges' drawing in? I can help!
August 3, 2023
Are your woven 'edges' drawing in? I can help! Maintaining good, consistent weft tension with the use of bubbling is one of the most important aspects...
Upcoming in-person workshops
July 31, 2023
I am very excited to announce that my teaching schedule is full for the fall, and holy moly it's going to be fun. To begin...
Be a beach weaver with me!
July 2, 2023
Beach_weaving_July_2_2023 by Everlea Yarn This is beach weaving at its best. Today at the lake, I wove samples for my online students on my walnut...
How to dress your mini loom
June 7, 2023
Hi friends, here's a quick demo on how to dress your mini loom in point-form, photos and video form. Dressing your loom is also called 'warping' your...
What is tapestry weaving?
October 10, 2022
While Everlea looms are great for many kinds of weaving, I designed them specifically for tapestry weaving. I am a tapestry weaver by trade, so...
SweetGeorgia Interview & SOS tapestry study group
May 21, 2022
I am excited to share that I have been featured in an interview on the SweetGeorgia Channel! Thank you to School of SweetGeorgia for the wonderful interview...
Tapestry Tips and Tricks at Digits & Threads
March 11, 2022
My third installment in my series of tapestry photo tutorials at Digits & Threads is now available! In this tutorial I share about colour blending, and...
Weaving Circles in Tapestry
July 12, 2021
Let’s talk about weaving circles in tapestry! When weaving weft-faced circles I always draw my circle right on the warp and follow those dots on...
Keeping your textiles safe over summer
April 13, 2021
You might have hand-knits, special sweaters or important tapestries which you would hate to see ruined by moths. Here are some important things you should...